專注差異化嵌入式產(chǎn)品解決方案 給智能產(chǎn)品定制注入靈魂給予生命
提供開(kāi)發(fā)工具、應(yīng)用測(cè)試 完善的開(kāi)發(fā)代碼案例庫(kù)分享
從全面的產(chǎn)品導(dǎo)入到強(qiáng)大技術(shù)支援服務(wù) 全程貼心伴隨服務(wù),創(chuàng)造無(wú)限潛能!
; - thermistor with capacitor connected to RB2:
; o +5V
; |
; |
; === 470n 100R
; |
; |----------/\/\/\/----- RB2
; |
; /
; ; /
; ; |
; |
; - push button switching RB3 between +5V and GND
; - LCD 1x24 HD44780 connected via 4-bit interface
; D7=RB7
; D6=RB6
; D5=RB5
; D4=RB4
; D3...D0 - NC
; R/W=RA1
; E=RA3
; RS=RA2
; - LED connected to RA0 (can be replaced with 2nd thermistor)
; - 4MHz crystal oscillator
; The 470n capacitor is charged for 500ms and then discharged
; through the thermistor. The discharging time is measured
; by the MPU and translated to a corresponding temperature.
; The thermistor is an NTC with a resistance of 6k @ 20 C.
; The translation table is located at 0x300. A diagram of
; temperatures in the past 16 hours is drawn in a graphical
; way using the features of definable CGRAM in the LCD
; This program is meant for PIC16F84, although it should work
; on a 16F83
Processor 16F84
Radix HEX
include "p16f84.inc"
_ResetVector set 0x00
_IntVector set 0x04
LINE1 EQU 0x080 ; Set display to line 1 (10000000)
LINE2 EQU 0x0C0 ; Set display to line 2 (11000000)
FUNCTION_SET EQU 0x020 ; 4 bits, 1 line, 5x7 Font
DISP_ON EQU 0x00C ; Display on
DISP_ON_C EQU 0x00E ; Display on, Cursor on
DISP_ON_B EQU 0x00F ; Display on, Cursor on, Blink cursor
DISP_OFF EQU 0x008 ; Display off
DISP_RET EQU 0x002 ; Return to start
CLR_DISP EQU 0x001 ; Clear the Display
ENTRY_INC EQU 0x006 ; Increment cursor
ENTRY_INC_S EQU 0x007 ; Increment cursor, automatic shift
ENTRY_DEC EQU 0x004 ; Decrement cursor
ENTRY_DEC_S EQU 0x005 ; Decrement cursor, automatic shift
DD_RAM_ADDR EQU 0x080 ; Least Significant 7-bit are for address
DD_RAM_UL EQU 0x080 ; Upper Left coner of the Display
SHIFTL EQU 0x018 ; shift left
SHIFTR EQU 0x01C ; shift right
CGRAM_DEF EQU 0x040 ; define CGRAM
; LCD Display Commands and Control Signal names.
E EQU 3 ; LCD Enable control line
R_W EQU 1 ; LCD Read/Write control line
RS EQU 2 ; LCD Register Select control line
TERM EQU 4 ; thermistor
BUTTON EQU 3 ; push-button
cblock 0x00c
Hour,Min,Char,Kind,Temp,Trans,Licznik,Value,Odjem,r1, r2, r3, r4
org _ResetVector ; RESET vector location
goto Start
org _IntVector ; Interrupt vector location
bcf STATUS, RP0 ; Bank 0
goto ERROR1
movlw d'60' ; the diagram is updated every hour
movwf Hour
movlw d'60'
movwf Min
clrf STATUS ; Do initialization (Bank 0)
bsf STATUS, RP0 ; Bank 1
clrf TRISA ; RA5 - 0 outputs
movlw 0xF0
movwf TRISB ; RB7 - 4 inputs, RB3 - 0 outputs
bsf OPTION_REG, NOT_RBPU ; Disable PORTB pull-ups
bcf STATUS, RP0 ; Bank 0
clrf PORTA ; ALL PORT output should output Low.
clrf PORTB
call LCD_Init ; Set up the LCD Module
;--------------------------------- MAIN LOOP ---------------------------------
call Delay500ms ; delay
call Delay500ms
; ------ turn Led Off -------
bcf STATUS, RP0 ; Select Register page 0
; ------ change RB (except RB3) to output -----------
bsf STATUS, RP0 ; Bank 1
movlw 0x08
movwf TRISB
bcf STATUS, RP0 ; Bank 0
bsf PORTB,2 ; charge cap
call Delay500ms ; delay
call Delay500ms
;-------- Turn Led on -----------
;-------- change RB2 to input ------------
bsf STATUS, RP0 ; Bank 1
movlw 0x0C
movwf TRISB
bcf STATUS, RP0 ; Bank 0
; ------- the measurement begins here ---------------------
call DelayTInit ; initial delay to compensate
movlw 0x1 ; resistance @ maximal temperature
movwf Temp
;------------ measuring loop -------------------------------
clrf Value
bcf STATUS, RP0 ; Bank 0
movf Temp,w ; Temp -> W
movwf r1 ; W -> r1
btfss Value,0 ; increment Temp every fourth loop
goto contin ; to compensate non-linearity of the thermistor
btfss Value,1
goto contin
incf Temp,1
contin: ; keep counting until thermistor
call DelayT ; gets discharged
btfss PORTB,2
goto done
incfsz Value,f
goto mierz
; buffer is from memory location 0x1F to 0x2F
; update the buffer with new value
; and shift buffer downwards
decfsz Min,f ; decrease number of minutes
goto noupdate
movlw d'60'
movwf Min
decfsz Hour,f
goto noupdate
movlw d'60'
movwf Hour
clrf Kind
; variable Kind:
; All values in buffer are negative: Kind=00000010
; All values in buffer are positive: Kind=00000001
; Both values are in buffer: Kind=00000011
; ----------------- move new value to address 0x1E ---------------
movf Value,w
movwf 0x1E
; ---------------- shift buffer downwards ------------------
movlw 0x10
movwf Licznik
movf Licznik,w
addlw 0x1D
movwf FSR ; FSR now contains address
movf INDF,w ; get value @ FSR
incf FSR,f ; FSR++
movwf INDF ; save value to new FSR
movlw HIGH GetTemp ; PCLATH points to last page of memory
movwf PCLATH ; where the table sits
movf INDF, w ; Use the Value as an Offset
call CheckFF
call GetTemp
movwf Trans ; Trans now contains real temp
movf Kind,w ; update Kind
btfss Trans,7
iorlw 0x01
btfsc Trans,7
iorlw 0x02
movwf Kind
decfsz Licznik,f
goto cloop
; ---------------- define CGRAM of LCD depending --------------
; ---------------- on Kind (the range of values) --------------
call DefineChar
; return to first character in LCD
movlw DISP_RET
call Send_Cmd
;-------------- now display the value ----------------------
btfsc PORTB,BUTTON ; raw calibration display of Value
goto normal
call DispBin ; display Value in binary form
goto loop
normal: ; normal reading through table
movlw HIGH GetTemp ; PCLATH points to last page of memory
movwf PCLATH ; where the table sits
movf Value, w ; Use the Value as an Offset
;------------- get the real temperature from tale at 0x300 ------------
call CheckFF
call GetTemp
retlw 0xe2 ;243 -22.550000 -22.5
retlw 0xe2 ;244 -22.650000 -22.5
retlw 0xe2 ;245 -22.750000 -22.5
retlw 0xa3 ;246 -22.850000 -23
retlw 0xa3 ;247 -22.950000 -23
retlw 0xa3 ;248 -23.050000 -23
retlw 0xa3 ;249 -23.150000 -23
retlw 0xa3 ;250 -23.250000 -23
retlw 0xe3 ;251 -23.325000 -23.5
retlw 0xe3 ;252 -23.400000 -23.5
retlw 0xe3 ;253 -23.475000 -23.5
retlw 0xe3 ;254 -23.550000 -23.5